The school was started in 1979 under the able guidance of the then Provincial Mother Clemence with a handful of kinds and a couple of teachers.
From a seedling it grew absorbing and assimilating vitality from all around, with the support of the stems - the past Headmistresses - Sr.Parimala, Sr.Clarence, Sr.Perpetua, Sr.Flowerret, Sr.Bindhu, Sr.Mariyam.And now it is a big tree extending its branches in all directions bearing 1625 students, 52 teachers and 16 non teaching staff.Holy Child H.S.S. is an unaided institution recognized by the Govt. of Kerala. The medium of instruction is English. Holy Child strives to provide the best of modern education and a moreholistic educational experience to the young minds. Its ambience teamed with a positive outlook unleashes a dynamic and dazzling climate to fulfilltheir creative urges and provide a platform to showcase their talents.
Laboratory teaching provides the first-hand experience and Laboratory training is required to develop skills necessary for study and research....
The school library is part of your school’s teaching and learning environment.It provides resources and....
Extracurricular activities require a regular time commitment and initiative such as being on a sports team, ....
School counselors offer individual counseling to help students resolve personal or interpersonal problems....
Our Physical Education Department includes specialists in various Games...